
Clubs Directory

Altrincham Kersal RFC1897Stelfox Avenue, Timperley,WA 156ULMORE INFO
Anselmians RUFC1947Eastham Village Road,Eastham,Wirral,CH62 0ANMORE INFO
Ashton on Mersey RUFC1931Banky Lane, off Carrington Spur, Ashton on Mersey, Sale, M33 5SLMORE INFO
Birkenhead Park FC1871The Upper Park, Park Road North, Birkenhead,CH41 8AAMORE INFO
Bowdon RUFC1877Clay Lane Sports Club, Clay Lane, Timperley, Cheshire, WA15 7AFMORE INFO
Caldy RFC1924Caldy RFC ,Paton Field , Telegraph Road,West Kirby CHESHIRE CH48 1NXMORE INFO
Capenhurst RUFC1952Electricity Sports and Social Club, Capenhurst, Chester, CH1 6ERMORE INFO
Carrington RUFC1957Windmill Pub, Manchester Road, Carrington, ManchesterMORE INFO
Castletown RUFC (IOM)1967Changing Rooms Poulsom Park Victoria Road Castletown Isle Of Man IM9 1EEMORE INFO
Cheshire Mens1875MORE INFO
Cheshire Police2022Clemonds Hey Oakmere Road Cheshire CW7 2UAMORE INFO
Cheshire U201875MORE INFO
Cheshire Womens1875MORE INFO
Chester Centurions2017c/o Hare Lane, Littleton, Chester, CH3 7DBMORE INFO
Chester RUFC1925Hare Lane, Littleton, ChesterCH3 7DBMORE INFO
Christleton RUFCThe Club House, Mannings Lane North. Hoole Village. Chester. Cheshire. CH2 4EUMORE INFO
Congleton RUFC186078 Park Street, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1EGMORE INFO
Crewe and Nantwich RUFC1922Crewe Vagrants Sports Club, Newcastle Rd, Willaston, Nantwich CW5 7EPMORE INFO
Douglas RUFC (IOM)1873Port-e-Chee, Peel Road Douglas, Isle of Man IM2 2RAMORE INFO
Dukinfield RUFC1880Blocksages Playing Fields, Birch Lane, Dukinfield, Cheshire, SK16 5APMORE INFO